"We are from Jagodina,town in Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia).
It is a country with heterogeneous configuration of grounds.Due
to this configuration we have wonderfull hunting grounds .There
are numerous sort of hunting venison(game).Hunting grounds are
easily accessiible from large cities.There are hotels and
hunting lodges both in most hunting grounds.Due to the large
variety of hunting venison,there are hunting seasons throughout
the year - one will surely suit you.Get your hunting here.
How we are hunters and competitors in work`s Shows for years,
we decided to found hunting agency "Vlajko-tourist"which offer:
-Hotel and private accommodation
-All kinds of hunting tourism
-Rent hunting grounds
-Rent fields for training and teaching dogs
-Board for dogs
-Teach dogs for hunting and work`s Shows
-Rent dogs for hunting
-Services in hunting
-Veterinary services
-Gun-smith`s services
-Prepares services
-Sale prepare`s hunting venisons
-Culture and fun
You can find all on our webpage.We hope that very soon we will
feast you.